Being a first time mom, I was always looking for ideas of what games to play with 2 year olds. I had no idea what kinds of things would keep my toddler entertained and didn’t want to just plop her in front of the television all day.


I know that as a mom, you want to try to stimulate your child’s mind as much as possible and get them away from the screen.


There are so many great games to play with 2 year olds that don’t require a lot of materials or even any at all. And, the best part is, they will help your little one use their imagination while also promoting learning.

Here are some of the best games to play with 2 year olds:


16 Super-Exciting Games to Play with 2 Year Olds


1. Super-Size Memory Game


This game is a great way to work on your child’s memory skills. You will need to find about 20-30 different items around your house that you can use for this game. Once you have gathered your items, start by showing your child two of the items at a time and then put them away.


After a minute or two, bring the items back out and see if your child can remember what they were. If they can’t, that’s okay! Just try again with a different set of two items.


2. Balloon Pop


This is a super simple game that only requires a few materials. You will need some balloons and either tape or a string to tie them up.


Blow up the balloons and then tie them to different spots around the room. Once they are all in place, have your child try to pop as many as they can.


3. Let’s Get Physical


This is a great game to get your little one up and moving. Put on some music and dance around the room with your child. Encourage them to try different moves and follow along with you.


4. Animal Sounds


This is a fun game that will help your child learn about different animals and the sounds they make. You can either use stuffed animals or look at pictures of animals online.


Start by making the sound of one of the animals and then have your child try to guess which animal it is. Once they guess correctly, move on to the next animal.


5. The Treasure Hunt


This game is perfect for kids who love to explore. You will need to hide a few small toys or trinkets around the house before you start.


When you are ready, give your child a clue to help them find the first hidden item. Once they find it, give them another clue to help them find the next item. Continue until they have found all of the treasures!


6. Follow the Leader


This is a great game to play with multiple kids, but can also be played with just one. Start by choosing a “leader” and having them do a simple action like clapping their hands or stomping their feet.


After the leader does the action, everyone else in the game must copy them. The last person to do the action is out of the game and a new leader is chosen.


7. Simon Says


This classic game is a great way to teach your child following directions. Start by having everyone stand up and choose one person to be “Simon.”


Simon will start by saying “Simon says…” and then adding an action like “touch your nose” or “hop on one foot.” Everyone in the game must do the action that Simon says. If someone does the action without Simon saying “Simon says,” then they are out of the game.


8. Musical Chairs


This is a classic party game that is great for kids of all ages. You will need to have one less chair than there are people playing the game.


Put the chairs in a circle and have everyone stand around them. Turn on some music and have everyone walk around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone must sit down in a chair.


The person without a chair is out of the game and one chair is removed. The game continues until there is only one person left.


9. Ring Toss


This is a simple game that can be played indoors or outdoors. You will need a few small objects like rings or plastic cups to use as targets.


Set the targets up in a row and have your child stand a few feet away from them. They will take turns trying to toss the objects onto the targets. The person with the most successful tosses wins the game!


10. Pin the Tail on the Donkey


This is a classic party game that is perfect for younger kids. You will need a poster of a donkey (or another animal) and some small objects like tails or pieces of paper to use as markers.


Blindfold your child and spin them around a few times. They will then try to pin the tail on the donkey. The person who gets it closest to the correct spot wins!


11. Number 2 Learning Game


As your toddler turns 2, maybe it’s the perfect time to learn how to write number 2! This game will provide some valuable practice.


You’ll need a piece of paper and a pencil for this game. On the paper, draw a large number 2. Then, help your child trace the lines of the number 2 with their finger. After they trace it a few times, see if they can do it on their own!


12. Hot Potato


This is a classic game that is perfect for kids of all ages. You will need a small object like a potato or a stuffed animal.


Have all of the players sit in a circle and pass the object around. Whoever is holding the object when the music stops is out of the game! The game continues until there is only one person left.


13. I Spy


This is a great game for kids who love to use their imagination. You can play this game anywhere, with no props necessary.


To start the game, one player will choose an object and say “I spy with my little eye something…” and then describe the object. The other players will try to guess what the object is. The first person to guess correctly wins the game!


14. Balloon Pop


This is a simple game that can be played with any number of kids. You will need a balloon for each player.


Each player will hold onto their balloon and try to keep it from popping. The last player with an un-popped balloon is the winner!


15. Red Light, Green Light


This is a classic game that can be played with any number of kids. You will need a large open space to play this game.


One player will be “it” and will stand at one end of the playing area. The other players will line up at the other end. When “it” says “green light,” the players can start walking towards “it.” But when “it” says “red light,” the players must stop in their tracks.


If any player is caught moving when “it” says “red light,” then they are out of the game. The game is over when one player reaches “it” or when all of the players have been caught!


16. Duck, Duck, Goose


This is a classic game for 2 year olds that can be played with any number of players. You will need a large open space to play this game.


All of the players will sit in a circle. One player will walk around the outside of the circle, tapping each player on the head and saying “duck” until they choose someone to be “it.”


That player will then chase the first player around the circle until they can tag them. The first player then becomes “it” and the game starts over again!


These are just a few of the many games to play with your 2-year-olds. Don’t be afraid to get creative and come up with your own games too! The most important thing is to have fun and spend some quality time with your little one.


Do you have any favorite games to play with your 2 year olds? Share them in the comments below!

ALSO READ: How to Encourage Child to Play with Others