How to Handle Spoiled Children

Unraveling the Entitlement: How to Handle Spoiled Children and Guide them Towards Empathy and Responsibility

It’s a scene familiar to many: a child throwing a tantrum in the middle of a store, demanding a new toy while parents scramble to appease. While occasional outbursts are part of growing up, a consistent pattern of entitled behavior warrants attention.

Spoiled children, though often pitied, face real challenges in developing social skills, resilience, and a healthy sense of self. So, how do we help them navigate this path towards empathy and responsibility?


Understanding the Roots: Causes of Spoiled Children


Before diving into how to handle spoiled children, it’s crucial to identify the factors contributing to a child’s entitled behavior. Common causes include:


  • Inconsistent consequences: When rules and expectations lack clear follow-through, children learn to manipulate for desired outcomes.


  • Overshowering with material possessions: While providing for your child’s needs is essential, excessive gifts can diminish the value of hard work and gratitude.


  • Lack of chores and responsibilities: Shielding children from age-appropriate tasks deprives them of opportunities to learn self-reliance and contribute to the household.


  • Overprotective parenting: Sheltering children from challenges and disappointments robs them of developing coping mechanisms and resilience.


  • Comparison with others: Focusing on what others have fosters feelings of inadequacy and entitlement.


How to Unspoil Spoiled Children


When thinking of how to handle spoiled children, the goal isn’t to punish or shame. Instead, you need to guide your child towards healthy development.

Here are some key strategies to deal with spoiled children syndrome:


1. Set Clear Expectations and Limits:


  • Establish age-appropriate rules and consequences, communicated calmly and consistently.


  • Explain the “why” behind the rules, fostering understanding and cooperation.


  • Offer choices within boundaries, empowering them while maintaining guidance.


2. Foster Intrinsic Motivation:


  • Replace instant gratification with opportunities to earn rewards through effort and responsibility.


  • Celebrate their accomplishments, highlighting the value of hard work and perseverance.


  • Encourage participation in activities that instill a sense of purpose and contribution.


3. Teach Gratitude and Empathy:


  • Practice gratitude exercises, like expressing appreciation for everyday things.


  • Volunteer together, exposing them to different perspectives and the needs of others.


  • Discuss the emotions of others, helping them understand how their actions impact others.


4. Encourage Open Communication:


  • Create a safe space for open and honest conversations about their wants, needs, and feelings.


  • Validate their emotions without condoning their behavior.


  • Guide them towards expressing themselves responsibly and respectfully.


5. Lead by Example:


  • Model the behavior you expect, demonstrating values like patience, gratitude, and responsibility.


  • Be mindful of your own language and actions, avoiding comparisons and negativity.


  • Show them the satisfaction of earning, contributing, and appreciating what you have.


Remember, Change Takes Time:

Be patient and consistent in your approach. There will be setbacks, but each instance is an opportunity for learning and growth. Celebrate small victories along the way, and focus on long-term progress rather than immediate perfection.


Is My Child Spoiled Quiz


Recognizing Signs and Seeking Guidance on How to Handle Spoiled Children

Every parent has moments of doubt, wondering if their child is exhibiting signs of being spoiled. While labeling a child is unproductive, recognizing certain behaviors can illuminate areas for growth and guide positive change.

This section aims not to provide a definitive “spoiled child” quiz. Rather, we offer prompts for reflection and encourage seeking professional guidance when needed.


Understanding Expectations and Responsibility:


  1. Does your child understand the difference between needs and wants?


  1. Do they readily complete age-appropriate chores and tasks without resistance?


  1. Do they accept “no” for an answer respectfully, or do they often resort to tantrums or manipulation?


  1. Do they express gratitude for gifts and experiences, or do they seem entitled to them?


Empathy and Consideration for Others:


  1. Does your child share toys and take turns easily, or do they struggle with this concept?


  1. Do they show concern for the feelings of others, or are they primarily focused on their own needs?


  1. Do they apologize genuinely when they make mistakes, or do they deflect blame or make excuses?


  1. Do they offer help to others without expecting something in return?


Respect for Rules and Boundaries:


  1. Does your child follow established rules and expectations at home and in other settings?


  1. Do they handle disappointment and frustration calmly, or do they respond with outbursts or defiance?


  1. Do they respect personal space and boundaries of others, or do they tend to be intrusive or inconsiderate?


  1. Do they understand the consequences of their actions and accept responsibility for them?



  • Consider your child’s age and developmental stage when interpreting their behavior.


  • Observe how they interact with different people and in various situations.


  • Remember, every child develops at their own pace, and some challenges may be temporary.


 How to Deal with Someone Else’s Spoiled Child


How to Deal with a Spoiled Child as a Teacher or Otherwise

Navigating interactions with children exhibiting challenging behaviors can be tricky, especially when they don’t belong to you directly. Here are some strategies to help you deal with someone else’s seemingly spoiled child:


Set Clear Boundaries:


  • In your own space: Communicate your expectations clearly and calmly. Whether it’s no yelling, respecting furniture, or sharing toys, establish what’s acceptable in your environment.


  • For your child: If your child interacts with theirs, discuss appropriate responses to unwanted behavior. Role-playing positive ways to say “no” or ask for help can empower them.


Focus on Communication:


  • With the parent: If the behavior is disruptive or unsafe, speak to the parent privately and respectfully. Share specific examples and suggest solutions, focusing on the impact on everyone involved.


  • With your child: Discuss your observations and validate their feelings if they experience challenges interacting with the other child. Guide them towards empathy and assertive communication.


Redirect and Offer Alternatives:


  • Engage the child: If they’re bored or frustrated, suggest alternative activities that align with your boundaries. Offer quiet play options, shared games, or outdoor exploration.


  • Positive reinforcement: When they display good behavior, acknowledge and praise it to encourage repetition.


Avoid Conflict and Labeling:


  • Stay calm and collected: Engaging in arguments or negativity only escalates the situation. Be firm but patient and understanding.


  • Maintain perspective: Remember, you can’t control another child’s behavior, but you can manage your own response and environment.


Set Limits on Engagement:


  • Reduce playtime: If interactions create constant challenges, politely excuse your child or suggest taking turns playing elsewhere.


  • Open and honest communication: If their behavior is consistently disruptive, directly express your concerns to the parent. Also, you can consider limiting interactions until improvement is shown.




  • Every child develops differently: Consider their age, temperament, and background when interpreting their behavior.


  • Focus on solutions, not judgment: Blaming or shaming won’t help the situation. Offer constructive suggestions and focus on positive change.


  • Self-care is key: Dealing with challenging children can be draining. Ensure you prioritize your own well-being and seek support if needed.


While knowing how to handle spoiled children can be complex:

  • Approaching them with clear boundaries


  • Having open communication, and


  • Embracing empathy can foster a more positive and respectful environment for all involved.


When a Spoiled Child Grows Up


The truth is, the term “spoiled” can be subjective and laden with judgment. But,  it’s understandable to wonder what potential challenges children who exhibit certain behaviors associated with the term face as adults.

It’s important to note that individual development is complex and influenced by many factors, so general predictions are limited. However, here are some possible outcomes:


Potential Challenges:


  • Difficulty with relationships: Lack of experience with compromise, sharing, and empathy can hinder developing healthy adult relationships.

They might struggle with taking responsibility in conflicts, expecting special treatment, or exhibiting self-centeredness.


  • Work and Career: Entitlement and difficulty accepting feedback can be detrimental in professional settings. They might struggle with authority figures, meeting deadlines, or working collaboratively.


  • Financial Responsibility: Difficulty managing money is a common consequence, leading to debt, impulsiveness, and dependence on others.

The absence of learning responsible budgeting and delayed gratification can impede financial stability.


  • Emotional Regulation: Inability to handle frustration, disappointment, or setbacks can lead to emotional outbursts, impulsivity, or substance abuse.

They might rely on external rewards rather than internal motivation for happiness.

  • Low Self-Esteem: Despite outward displays of confidence, a deep fear of rejection or failure can mask underlying insecurity.

The lack of internal validation and coping mechanisms for external disapproval can negatively impact self-worth.


Positive Outcomes:


  • Not everyone faces these challenges: It’s crucial to remember that these are merely potential outcomes, not certainties.

Many individuals learn valuable lessons through life experiences, personal growth, and positive influences, overcoming initial challenges.


  • Positive change is possible: Recognizing and addressing underlying behaviors early on can significantly improve chances of success in adulthood.

Therapy, self-reflection, and support systems can all contribute to positive change.


  • Strengths that emerge: Some characteristics often associated with “spoiled” children, like:


Leadership qualities, and

Persuasive communication, can be channeled positively with proper guidance and self-awareness.




  • Focus on understanding, not labels: Instead of dwelling on the term “spoiled,” focus on identifying specific underlying behaviors and addressing them constructively.


  • Seek professional guidance: When concerned, consulting a therapist, counselor, or parenting coach can provide invaluable support and personalized strategies.


  • Every individual is unique: Development is complex and influenced by various factors. Avoid making generalizations and focus on fostering healthy personal growth.

By promoting self-awareness, responsibility, and empathy, we can empower individuals, regardless of their past experiences, to navigate life’s challenges and build fulfilling adulthoods.

Do you have other tips on how to handle spoiled children? Please let us know in the comments section.


ALSO READ: How to Reverse Bratty Behavior in Spoiled Kids