15 Awesome Ways to Make Your Child Feel Loved and Valued

As parents, we all want to ensure that our children feel loved and valued. So many times we ask ourselves, ‘what are the best ways to make your child feel loved and valued?’

But with busy schedules and the constant demands of everyday life, it can be easy to overlook the small ways we can show our children just how much they mean to us.

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing 15 simple yet effective ways to make your child feel loved and valued, so that they can grow up feeling confident and secure in the love and support of their family.

From daily affirmations to quality time together, these tips will help you create a nurturing and positive environment for your child to thrive in.

So let’s dive in and discover how to make your child feel truly loved and valued.

15 Effective Ways to Make Your Child Feel Loved and Valued


1. Make a list of things you do for your child that make them feel loved and appreciated


When it comes to parenting, there are so many things we do for our children that we don’t even realize. It’s important to make a list of the things you do for your child that make them feel loved and appreciated.

Here are 12 ideas to get you started:

  • Give them hugs and kisses often
  • Tell them how much you love them daily
  • Set aside quality time to spend with them
  • Show interest in their interests and hobbies
  • Show them affection in public
  • Compliment them on their achievements and strengths
  • Listen to them when they need to talk
  • Show them affection and love through physical touch
  • Show them that you believe in them and support their dreams
  • Show them that they are valued and important members of the family.
  • Sing to them
  • Make them a part of you decision-making processes

2. Make a list of things your child does that make you happy


It may seem difficult, but making a list of your child’s good qualities will show that you love and appreciate them.

Some things to consider:

  • Giving you a hug or kiss out of the blue
  • Telling you they love you
  • Showing interest in spending time with you
  • Accomplishing something new or difficult
  • Showing kindness or generosity towards others
  • Making you laugh
  • Showing good manners and respect
  • Showing independence and responsibility
  • Being empathetic and understanding
  • Telling you about their day and share their thoughts and feelings with you.


3. Do something special for them


There’s no rule stating that you have to do something expensive or extravagant to show your child that you love them. You can do something as simple as taking them to their favorite restaurant or buying them a gift.

The important thing is that you make a special effort to show your child that you care. Doing something extra will make them feel loved and appreciated.

4. Spend time with your child


One of the best ways to show your child that they mean a lot to you is to spend time with them. Whether that’s taking a walk, watching a movie, or just sitting down and talking, taking the time to connect with your child is very important.

In addition to spending time with your child, make sure to also show them that you care about them by listening to them. Be there for them when they need you, and letting them know that they are important to you.


5. Give your child a gift that reflects how you feel about them


Giving your child a gift that reflects how you feel about them is one of the best ways to show them that you love them. Here are 15 ways to do just that.

Here are 15 different gift ideas for children of all ages:

  • Personalized jewelry or a special keepsake
  • Special book or a series of books on a topic they are interested in
  • Class or activity that aligns with their interests, such as art, music, or sports
  • Special trip or vacation together
  • Personalized gift such as a custom-made piece of artwork or a photo album
  • Special piece of clothing or accessory that they have been wanting
  • Subscription to a magazine or online service related to their interests
  • New piece of technology such as a tablet or gaming console
  • Special experience such as a concert or theater show
  • Special toy or game that they have been wanting
  • A spa day or special pampering experience
  • Special piece of furniture or decor for their room
  • A new pet or special animal-related experience
  • A day trip or adventure such as a hot air balloon ride or a hike


6. Talk to your child about what they’re feeling


When it comes to love and relationships, we often avoid talking about what we’re feeling. We hope our partner will guess what we’re thinking or they’ll just know.


Unfortunately, this often doesn’t work out that way.

But the truth is, we need to communicate with our partner. We need to talk about what we’re feeling.
And we need to do it in a way that makes our child feel valued and loved.


7. Praise your child


Praising your child is one of the best ways to make your child feel loved and valued. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Tell your child specific things you appreciate about them, such as their kindness or their hard work.
  • Give them a hug or a kiss to show physical affection.
  • Spend quality time with them doing activities they enjoy.
  • Share positive feedback you receive about your child with them.
  • Write them a heartfelt note or letter expressing your love and pride in them.
  • Show interest in their interests and hobbies.
  • Give them small tokens of appreciation, such as a special treat or a small gift.
  • Encourage their talents and abilities.
  • Acknowledge their efforts and progress, even when they make mistakes.
  • Most importantly, be a positive role model for your child by showing love and respect to others.

8. Take your child on special dates


One of the best ways to show your child that you love and value them is taking them on special dates. Whether it’s going to the movies, out for dinner, or simply spending time together, these dates shows that you care.

Make sure to pick dates that your child will enjoy and that won’t feel too much like work. Being spontaneous and going with the flow is a great way to show your child that you really do care. Plus, it will keep the date night excitement alive!

9. Spend time with your child’s friends


Spending time with your child’s friends is a great way to show them you love and value them. Get to know their friends and see how they interact with each other.

Also, spending time with your child’s friends helps you to know your child’s interests, interactions with others, and their strengths and weaknesses. This information can be very helpful in raising your child.


10. Let your child know that you’re always there for them


It’s so important to let your child know that you’re always there for them. No matter what. You never know when they might need you, or just want to talk.


A lot of times when children feel neglected or unsupported, they’ll lash out in some way. This can be verbal, emotional, or even physical.

When you’re available and accessible to your child, they’ll feel loved and valued. This will show them that you’re there for them, no matter what. You’re not just a figure in their life that they have to please, you’re someone they can turn to for support.

Here are some ways you can show your child that you’re always there for them:

  • Be actively engaged in your child’s life by showing interest in their activities and accomplishments.
  • Spend quality time with them regularly, whether it’s playing games, going on outings, or simply having conversations.
  • Listen actively and respond empathetically when they talk to you about their thoughts and feelings.
  • Offer guidance and support when they face challenges or make mistakes.
  • Show your love and affection through physical touch, such as hugs and kisses.
  • Be a good role model by demonstrating positive values and behaviors.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with your child, and encourage them to do the same.
  • Show your child that you trust them by giving them age-appropriate responsibilities and independence.
  • Show your child you are there for them by keeping your promises and being dependable.
  • Show your child that you believe in them by encouraging their interests and talents.

We hope you enjoyed our article on how to make your child feel loved and valued. Parenting is a tricky job, and it can be easy to forget what it’s like to feel loved and valued ourselves.


There are many ways to make your child feel loved and valued. Of course, every child is different, and some of these tips may not work for your child. But we hope that at least a few help you out!


Sweet kisses to your child from our side until next time.


ALSO READ: 15+ Fun Games to Boost Self-esteem for Kids

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